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February 16, 2023

Here’s How Investigator Meetings Can Be More Engaging

Maria Milas

Maria Milas

Industry Expert & Former CRA

Silvina Baudino

Silvina Baudino

Industry Expert & Site Advocate


This week we’re joined by former CRA Maria Milas and site advocate Silvina Baudino to discuss how to make investigator meetings (IMs) more exciting. Attending an IM can mean endless PowerPoint presentations and days of repetitive meetings – but there is a better way. Maria and Silvina explain how by recasting the agenda for greater interaction, attendees will be more engaged and retain more about the study. 

“It was four intense days of meetings of trainings, of talks from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. every single day. Now, how does this look? Well, PowerPoint after PowerPoint after more PowerPoint.”